My expertise lies with vacancies in the context of Cyber Security, in order to subsequently link candidates to my top tier clients in the Netherlands.

For example these roles:
- Network Security Engineer
- Security Administrator
- Application Security Engineer
- Security Analyst
- Chief Information Security Officer
- Security Architect
- Security Specialist

If you are looking for a new challenge in these disciplines or if you are looking for candidates yourself, you can call me on +31(0)58820784 or send me an e-mail:
Our way of working is proven effective. More than 90% of the candidates we mediate towards a permanent job still works for that client after 3 years.

My main focus?
“I believe that with real personal contact we can make the difference.”

The benefits of focusing on real personal contact for client and candidate works both ways; we want to ensure that every candidate has a click with both the organization and vacancy. A job must suit the employee's ambitions, interests, and personality. An employee is more than a resume or set of skills.

To find the perfect match, we first take the time to really understand who the organization is: What drives the organization? What is essential for the unique corporate culture? We find the best candidates for your organization by selecting candidates based on skills and personality.